Vague Post

this photo doesn't have much to do with anything other than there is a ship...carrying ships...and I'm looking for one...

this photo doesn't have much to do with anything other than there is a ship...carrying ships...and I'm looking for one...

You know how people write these super vague posts on Facebook or Twitter or leave a super vague comment on an Instagram photo?  I'm about to do that to you...

I'm leaving first thing tomorrow for California where I'll be 'looking for a ship'.

I'm packing my car with my sea bag, and any item required for a lengthy stint away from home base.  I'm planning on a worst case scenario of one month before walking up a gangway somewhere but, I'm crossing my fingers (like, crossing them hard) that something pops up before then.  

This might be considered putting all my happiness eggs in one basket - or it could be considered taking a risk with happiness in mind.  The jury is still out.

If you want to better understand what I'm up to I can't recommend the book Looking For A Ship enough.  This book is about one of my Captains at Maine Maritime Academy and his hunt for a ship - and then later about his time aboard the vessel.  It's great and I actually just cracked it open again!


If you'd like more specifics about what I'm up to (because of course there's more to the story) drop me a line and I'll shoot you a personal email!  I'm really just trying hard to not put all my work business out into the interwebz!  Thanks for your understanding.