Life Lately.

I'm in 'get my butt to work' mode.  I've been hitting the union hall everyday and trying to keep my spirits up in between job calls.  The truth is that I'm in a pretty good position and, that I've been having a lot of fun in California.

Here are some snapshots of life lately! 

Bolinas Fish Eye

I got out my fish eye lens adaptor for iPhone and had a blast taking photos at Bolinas Beach.  We got there early, it was low tide with lots of exposed beach and, the persistent coastal fog was just a misty sheen.  It was such a fun day.

Friends Feet

Two of my really good girlfriends from High School were in the Bay Area at the same time.  It felt like Christmas.  It was so great to hang with these Ladies.  Sometimes you forget how much you love people!  We ate cheese, drank wine, had lunch, walked around the lake.  It was a total treat.

Track Shadow

I've been making a really big effort to get outside and walk or jog.  This is always the part of my life that gives a little when I'm feeling a little stress.  I've been relying on my FitBit to give me a motivational boost....I've also been relying on my Cousin Bunny.  She messages me every morning asking me what my workout plan is for the day....and she follows up to make sure I've done it.  Moral Support is amazingly powerful.  *Thanks Bunny!

Union Board

This is my view at the Union Hall.  This is technically the job board for the Engineers (I have to admit that the board for the Deckies isn't as nice...).  Somehow this big white board makes the whole thing feel a little more official.  The Union celebrated 'Bloody Thursday' this week - I had to look this up and have to admit its an interesting part of Maritime History.  It's certainly shaped West Coast Ports and majorly affected the Nation's economy.  


Come on guys.  Of course I was going to post a picture of a coffee mug.  I've been loving this strawberry table cloth - so at the Alameda Flea Market on Sunday I found a vintage one just like it.  I can't wait to have a little table on my porch with a strawberry table cloth on it.  For the record, the Flea Market might be my most favorite thing ever.  I got soooo many treasures over the weekend! 


I hope that Life has been for you Lately too!

Nautie Tidbits :: I've recovered sufficiently.

Napa was AWESOME.   I mean really, really, really awesome.  I enjoyed my time there so thoroughly that I didn't want to write about it because it seemed so final.  THE weekend was over.  The  problem was that I couldn't really write about anything else until Napa was wrapped up!  This week is going to be Napa week!


I finished The Fault In Our Stars.  Le Sigh.  Oh this book got me.  This book deserves to be talked about - and will be soon.  Are any of you Oprah watchers?  Ever heard of the ugly cry?  I'm sure you see where I'm going with this...  Can I unofficially announce our next book selection without the usual fanfare?  I'll just slide it in here to this 'lets take care of outstanding business' post and then, we can all start reading.  May isn't getting any younger.  Join me in reading The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin.  This book was recommended by Historiauntie and looks good.  I have my copy and have just jumped into it.

Bloggers In Sin City!

Not this weekend but next weekend I'm going to Vegas for Bloggers in Sin City.  Holy Crap the excitement level is almost outofcontrol.  I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what to wear and driving around shopping for things to wear.  Napa was all about the wine but I have a feeling Vegas will be all about the clothes....

I've Moved.

I'm in a new apartment.  It's tiny.  Teensy Tiny.  This is good but it has me scrambling.  I've been semi packing...and moving....and re-organizing.  Again - it's good but, no one really loves semi-packing, right?  The new apartment is cozy and sunny with a well thought out kitchen.  It's way more me than the last apartment.  Me Likey.


Have you ever heard of the Paleo diet?  Well, I've cut quite a few hot ticket items out of my diet.  Mostly because I think it's fun to change things up sometimes and also because, I'm hoping to kick some bad habits.  Stress does some amazing things to your body.  So does lack of exercise.  You get it.

That's It.

Nautie Friends, I just needed some time to recover from my trip to Napa.  I know you understand.  I'm off to meet the movers.  The bed is getting moved in today.  You don't realize how shitty it is living away from your family until you have to hire movers.  Free labor sure is nice (*wink*).  Do you want food posts?  I've been texting everyone I know photos of what I've been eating.  Want in on that action?  Be in touch.

Nautie Tidbits :: Mr. Honey Made It Through The Canal

Nautie Friends,  I made it through the canal.  Woot Woot!  I've written many times about the canal (the most comprehensive write up can be found here but you can find some decent photos here)....the highlight of this transit, minus the fact that it means we're closer to home, was for sure the fact that the mooring boat men called me Mr. Honey allll daaaay loong. Mr. Honey has made it through the canal. The weather upon departing the canal worsened quite quickly.  Yesterday, we were hove to.  As in....almost going backwards.  I've seen some pretty shitty weather in the Med - people always act like the Med is a boating paradise - I don't think you could pay me to yacht around the Med in the winter - unless we were anchored off Nice or some other fun place.  I didn't take too many photos of yesterdays weather....lazy blogger about some photos from last years Med storm?

I got nauseous yesterday.  I know, I know, real sailors don't talk about being sea sick.....thank goodness that I have already written the Nautie Guide to Conquering Seasickness....or Mal de Mer!  Whew!  Thank goodness there was a time when I wasn't a lazy blogger!

Books!  Ahhh!  Nautie Book Club!  I haven't forgotten you!  I will select a book soon!  Pinkie Promise!

Nautie Tidbits :: Houston, we have a problem...

We don't really have a problem.  I just really wanted to say that. This port stay has now been extended by three days with the possibility of a fourth thrown in.  Between the rain, the slow loading rate of crates and the sheer volume of cargo we've progressively pushed our sailing date back.

In the meantime, this sweet little blog has been suffering from neglect.

To get us all caught up, here are some tidbits worth mentioning:

  • Our Nautie Books! December 2012 read The Scorpio Races didn't get much fanfare but, I LOVED what my Dad had to say about it.
  • I ran home yesterday afternoon to drop off my car and tie up loose ends at the apartment.  I learned a very, very, valuable lesson.  Just because you live in the same city as the port don't assume you'll be back home (i.e. don't leave a dozen eggs in the fridge - I hope my shipmates love hard boiled eggs)!
  • Houston has been cold and damp.  Standing outside for hours a day in cold and damp is icky.  Who knew that Houston could be so cold and damp?!  I didn't...
  • I'll be using this site to help with this months Nautie Books! discussions.  Check it out!
  • Everyone on the ship is sick.  Like gross sick.  Pneumonia and Bronchitis.  Which also makes me wonder if Doctors know what they're talking about about 'common cold'.  These dudes are babies.  (I am eating lots of gummy vit's and oranges.)
  • This totally cool print is floating around the interwebz and I love it.
  • My ship is FULL of cargo - and it's exciting.  I love seeing American goods moving via ship.
  • Along with a dozen hard boiled eggs, I brought my blooming orchid to the ship with me.  Every single dude who has walked into the cargo office has commented on how lovely it is.

Well, I think those are all my tidbits.

A picture of The Hilo Bay Building.  Because you know you can't write a post with no photo!!

Enjoy your day! 

Nautie Tidbits :: Land Lubbing Maine Style

Maine has been amazingly refreshing. It feels FANTABULOUS to be between my own sheets again! I've been out of touch for awhile so I figured I'd do a few collages to bring y'all back up to speed.....and then I can start digging into the archives to show you some of my Hawaii / West Coast adventures.

Also, disclaimer: I got a new app which allows me to write on I may have gone a little overboard.

Here's what's been going on:

-there was a bad squirrel who kept stealing all the bird food. It's strange what growing up in Hawaii does to you.....Mainland plants and animals FASCINATE me......even though I've now been exposed to them for YEARS. I had to keep running out onto the lanai to take photos.

-major projects were accomplished. An old rocker and wicker chair were painted red to spice up the lanai and an old table and chairs were painted purple to spice up the yard. Fun pre-summer projects!!! Yay colors!!!

-the housemates and I made a communal dinner. Kick butt burritos.....and orange flavored cocktails. Awesomeness.

-belated spring cleaning went down BIG TIME. The ladies and I pulled out all our furniture and swept and vacuumed dust bunnies. I got some nice fresh light weight linens for my bed. I opened my window and got a nice dose of lilac infused breeze. So fresh! So clean!

-please note that next to the vacuum in my CLEAN photo there are some canning jars.....tis the season!!!

I hope you're enjoying fabulous weather wherever you are....Maine is amazing today!





Nautie Tidbits :: Quinoa and Boats

I'd love to say I'm sorry for the lack of posts....but.... I've just been having too much fun!

Since I've been 'away' for awhile I figured the best way to get caught up would be to share some photos from my phone....because honestly my iPhone has been my go to girl lately - Big Bertha has been spending too much time at home.


1.  I spent a day on the couch (what?  I'm on vacation!) and I decided that I'd go to my neighborhood variety store for a pizza (now you're jealous).  As I was getting out of the car there was a little girl parking this sweet ride right in front of the shop.  I was instantly jealous and decided that I had to take a picture.

2.  Sampling my homemade toothpaste.  I was thinking of saving this tidbit for a post of its own but alas, time is getting away from me.  Let me just say - it was better than I thought it would be!

3.  Boat shoe wearing in March?  Yes, please!  When I stepped off the plane in Maine (that rhymed....and made be giggle because even in my head as I was typing I was saying, 'the rain in spain'....heehee) it was over 70 degrees out!  I was wearing shorts and slippers!  Sadly, it was incredibly short lived.  I did however; get to ride on a boat in my sassy little Sperry Topsiders with friends who are also sassy Sperry wearers.

4.  Aforementioned boat.  Don't be jealous.

5.  I got my hair cut and colored.  I sat down and said, 'you can do anything you want as long as it all goes up in a pony tail'.  (Anyone who has tried to secure an anchor in the middle of the night with hair that is just slightly too short for a pony knows that they will never, ever have hair too short for a pony again!)  The sylist says, 'I think we need to give you a more mature length'.  To which I responded, 'You mean, you don't think I should have hair that makes me look like a sixth grader who loves horses?'.......and then she cut off six inches.  (I'm still deciding if this should count as my 'something sassy' on my 30x30 list (#8).  I decided I'd wait till I'm home in Hilo to run it past my Mom first.)

6.  I made a Quinoa salad.  With beets, oranges, almond slices and mint topped with honey goat cheese.  I personally thought it was quite yummy.  Please note that next to the dish of quinoa is an orange goodness.  Hells yah.  Funny story about the Quinoa (welll...I guess I'll let you be the judge on the funny factor).  I was having trouble with the ratio of Quinoa to water - I was following the instructions of a recipe that I had found online but was modifying.  My housemate walked in and I decided to ask her opinion.  She was all - just do the same thing you do when you're cooking rice....and then I was all - who the hell knows how to cook rice in a pot?!  Don't you have a rice cooker?!  Seriously folks.  Who doesn't own a rice cooker?!  My Mom doesn't because she thinks cooking in aluminum is terrible.....valid enough reason.  I however; bought trader joes rice in little bags that I can microwave because the thought of cooking rice in a pot makes me cringe.  If you've never used a rice cooker I seriously recommend it.  (I was going to write a whole post about this...aren't you glad I didn't?!)

7.  The yummiest breakfast burrito ever.  I thought it was so yummy that I actually emailed a photo of it to TravelBuddy.

8.  This is my friends dog named Diego.  As far as dogs go I like this one a lot.  This is his little toy named Elmer.  My friend will say, 'Diego, go get Elmer!'.  I can't tell you how funny I thought this was.

9.  Confession:  I'm addicted to Gossip Girl.  I know, right?!  What's wrong with me?!  This show is completely bizarre.  Realizing young women around the world are watching this is frightening.  The thought that some of these young women are too young to discern the show is complete fiction and grossly unrealistic is even more frightening.  That being said, it's Netflix crack - don't ever, ever watch even one episode.

*I realize that this Nautie Tidbit post might be a little long but, dang! it feels great to be sorta caught up!

Sidenote:  Thanks to all of you who 'liked' me on Facebook!  I'm still figuring out how to more fully integrate it with my blog but, in the meantime check in every now and then for random Tidbits!