Mettle Mission :: Day One
Until I get a job there will be a daily Mettle Maker - we're on a mission - a mission to get a job and maintain mettle - so we'll call it the Mettle Mission.
Until I get a job there will be a daily Mettle Maker - we're on a mission - a mission to get a job and maintain mettle - so we'll call it the Mettle Mission.
I lost my job.
I'm a bit bummed out. I liked this ship. I liked my shipmates. I liked the cargoes. I liked the ports. I wasn't ready to move on yet.
Such is the life of a sailor. Ships come and ships go.
This particular ship will now have a foreign crew and my shipmates and I will look for a new ship.
I can't say it's a big surprise - the writing was on the wall - we were having trouble competing in with foreign freight rates.
I'm summoning my mettle. I'm trusting the universes judgement - that it's time for me to do new things. I'm perfecting my resume. I'm taking deep breaths.
I'm adjusting my sails.
"I'm going to tell you what a demon once told me: It is okay to want your own happiness. It's okay to care about yourself the most. It's okay to do what's healthy for YOU. When someone hits you, it's okay to hit back and then ask them what the hell they expected. It's okay. You are not obligated to sit there and smile and swallow every bit of shit everyone heaps on you. You are more than furniture, you're more than window dressing, you're not their shiny toy. You're human, and you have the right to say "That was shitty of you". You have a right to say "Let me feed that back to you; tell me, how does it taste?" You have a right to protest your own mistreatment and set boundaries for respectful interactions. The rest of the world doesn't realize you have this right, and they will act offended and appalled when you exercise it, but it is yours." via.
This sweet little blog has been without a Mettle Maker or some Internet Lovin' for too long....way, WAY too long...
P!nk Lyrics. I'm in. (Plus, it keeps with my whole, I'M ON FIRE! theme...)
Yes! I believe this! When something doesn't feel right....stop.
I really wanted to take some early morning advice from Amy this trip. So far, I've been waking up 10 minutes before I need to be on the bridge. Fail.
Anyone who has lived in New England for any amount of time has had an encounter with a Mass-Hole that has stuck with them. If you know and love any Mass-Holes you might think this is hilarious.
I'm still working on my 2013 intentions. I know! I have them all set and then I make changes. Elise compares Goals and To Do's. Good Read!
Just a cool image. That's all.
A VERY belated tribute to Senator Inouye. Merchant Marines will miss your staunch support of the Jones Act.
Bathroom Basket round up. Nuff Said.
Stephen King has written a book on Gun Control. Haven't read it but I imagine it's good.
This is a perfect example of wonderful things. Actually, I don't know what this is an example of....but I want a coat just like it!
I don't know how I'd feel about living in a container (do a trip on a container ship and let me know if you'd live in one...) but, I might be okay with living in this one.
I love me a good travel blog - here's a kick ass roundup of some of the best.
I've actually been thinking about this meal (and kinda craving it) and I've never had it. Seriously, I think about it. It was posted after I joined the ship so, sadly It'll have to wait until April to be made...
Those links should keep you busy for awhile. Enjoy!
I have been having a really hard time sitting down and writing lately and, I think it's because I've had something weighing on my mind. I've been asked a lot - I mean I always get asked: What's it like to be a woman at sea?
My answer is different every single time.
Sometimes I laugh through my response. Sometimes I'm a little more serious. Sometimes I barely acknowledge the question was asked. Sometimes (when I'm with my best girl friends) I'll let my guard down a bit and open up.
Mostly I stick with a standard answer: the one where I say, 'yes there have been some challenges but I've really never had any issues'.
...and that's mostly true.
I'd like to talk more about being a Lady Sailor but, I really just don't know what to say.
The closer I look at my situation the more I'm convinced that it's really not as different as it seems.
There are days when it's hard and I cry. There are days when I feel like I'm doing everything alone - I feel completely overwhelmed - I feel like there is no way anyone could possibly understand what it's like. There are days when I wake up full of energy and feel like I can take on the world. There are days when I feel so incredibly blessed to live the life I do. There are days I think I've made a terrible, terrible mistake.
Not so different from any other 30 year old trying to find her way in this crazy world, right?
Here's the thing...
Being a Lady Sailor has irrevocably changed me. It's shaped who I've become and is currently shaping who I'm becoming.
Between the ages of 22-27 I was the only female sailor on my ship. For six months a year I'd work solely with men however; I think the greater impact (on myself personally) was that I was completely devoid of female companionship. Sometimes, I'd go up to three months without seeing another woman. (I chose those years because I feel those are the ones that affected me most. I've been the sole female at other ages / times as well. I should also mention there are times when I've sailed with other women but, thats a different story for a different day.)
How could that not change the way you view the world? How could that not change how you view male / female relationships? How could that not change how you view yourself?
The problem is: being a woman at sea isn't too different from being a man at sea in most regards and certainly, being a woman at sea is no different than a woman pushing herself to try new things and places herself in unchartered waters except, people don't want to hear that. (Did you like the nautical play on words there?)
It seems like when I get asked The Question people want The Answer.
They want me to say, 'I'm a tough, strong, capable woman. You should hear me ROAR. It's loud. I have a really LOUD ROAR. Louder than the average Woman's ROAR. My ROAR is louder than others because I am extraordinarily fierce...because I work with ALL OF THE MEN!'.
They want me to be a feminist. They want me to believe that women can do anything and be anything. They want me to tell them that I have to work harder than others. They want me to tell them that I go out there and kick some sailor butt.
Except, for me personally, those things aren't all true. I can't (in good conscious) tell them that.
I don't think that I've had to work harder. I don't have to kick sailor butt. I think that I'm not more of a feminist than a stay at home mom. Here's the doozy....I don't think sailing is a good fit for most women.
In fact, most times, my ROAR probably sounds more like a meow and....who the 'eff cares?!
What's it like to be a woman sailor?
It's like you have a job. It's like you wake up when your alarm goes off and you have to get your ass out of bed. It's like you're hungry so now you better go get yourself something to eat. It's like this guy is a dick gosh, it sucks to work with dicks. It's like I like to paint my toenails pink - so I do. It's like who the 'eff cares.
I'm going to start talking more about being a lady sailor because it's time. Because I know now, more than I've ever known before, that being a lady sailor is just another thing to talk about. Because I know now, that being a lady sailor doesn't have to make you a poster girl for feminism. Because I know now, that being a lady sailor doesn't have to mean anything I don't want it to.
Because I know now more than I've ever known before that it doesn't matter whether you can ROAR loudly. Sometimes I meow and it's 'effin fierce.
This was one of those posts. The ones where you can't stop writing but you are super duper nervous about what people will think when they read you don't proofread it and you hit publish anyways. This was one of those posts where you have to make an italic disclaimer that these thoughts / opinions / feelings are yours alone and should certainly not be confused as anything other than just that - I'm sure there are many, many lady sailors that would totally disagree with everything I've just written.